
Monday, May 17, 2010

I gained a pound-and celebrated with pop-tarts-help me

I gained a pound this week... the first week back on BFL. But I'm not doing BFL again even though I said I was. I'm doing a program called Transformation. It's basically like BFL on steriods. It's longer and sort of harder in some areas, but mostly it's designed for people who need to lose the chunk instead of people (like scott) who are already in good shape, but want to be in like "wow" shape. It's by Bill Phillips, who wrote BFL, so I'm not straying too far from the fold.

Except, let's talk about the pound, ok?

This week was like a week long food and non-activity hang over from last week (our week off.) We each missed a day working out - and on our first 12 weeks we didn't miss ONE DAY, and here we are missing a day already? WTF? It was not good... not good at all. You THOUGHT last week was our first week back, and so did I, but it turns out we're just going to erase last week. Because what's worse than just lying down and giving up? Trying to lose weight half assed. It's like all the mental structure and anguish with no results. If I'm going to have no results, I at least want it to be because I'm not thinking about it, ya know?

So this week is like week one...this week!

Oh, and I had strawberry pop-tarts this morning for breakfast. But that was before I sat down to write this blog so I'm hoping we can forget about that too?


  1. Strawberry Pop Tarts are off plan, I take it?

    Dude. Cut yourself some slack. You're re-committing and THAT is what is important.

    I can't wait to see where you are in another 12 weeks. How are you going to celebrate?

  2. Ugh, I hear ya. I went to the movies and had nachos and cheese. And Nerds. I'm hungry just thinking about it. But, back up and at em! Don't kick yourself too much, you're allowed a mess up now and then :)

  3. STEP AWAY FROM THE POP TARTS WITH YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR! And then dust off the crumbs and move forward.

  4. I like what MrsFatass said, way funny.

  5. Cheer up, my buddy. You've come a long way and you're not giving up. We all have hard times. That being said, I sure could go for a strawberry poptart. Better day tomorrow!

  6. Awww.. don't beat yourself up Chicka, breathe.
    Just move forward, put down the icky poptart.. I hate those things. Yummy cooked healthy egg omelet sounds more yummy.. doesn't it??
